
Lockdown Déjà Vu

Reflections, current feelings and potentially moving forward

The “new normal” is as difficult to understand as it is to accept. Society reopening was like a breath of fresh air; we felt free to relinquish repeating identical routines in identical settings. Nevertheless, it is interesting to contemplate how a potential second lockdown could mentally and physically affect us. 

I started this blog on a very personal note, sharing a story that the media at the time failed to shed light upon. Nearly seven months later, I can unequivocally say that the lockdown period has changed me as a person.

I often reflect on my first post, wondering if I was just overreacting to the situation at the time, as although adjusting to a dramatically altered lifestyle was initially difficult, it became easier with time. Despite this, lockdown was not a time that I would lightly brush over; rather, it was eye opening and has drastically changed my perspective on life.


According to the Mental Health Foundation, 24 per cent of UK adults have experienced loneliness as a result of the COVID-19 lockdown, whether living alone or with family. Moreover, the adults most affected by these feelings were aged between 18-24; this is often attributed to the lack of contact and engagement with peers at university which they were previously accustomed to.

The drastic change from living comfortably away from home to returning to a home setting can be difficult. Even if not physically affected by the virus, feelings of threat, hopelessness and distrust in the government has greatly impacted the mental wellbeing of many. 


Nearly all students have felt neglected during the pandemic. From adjusting to online learning in March, to the fiasco with GCSE and A-level grades, there has been a severe lack of student support and very little governmental accountability. Many are of the opinion that it is only going to get more difficult, as feelings of security and routine which come with being in education have been somewhat lost.

Although everyone is adapting and investing in resources to ensure high quality teaching, online learning will never emulate the interaction, authenticity and engaging nature of face to face education; many students are, understandably, dissatisfied with their online classes.

Large numbers of new students have just finished welcome week and will soon begin with online studies. Like current students, they may feel overwhelmed, disorganised and uncertain on how the year will pan out and the impact of this on their long term career plans. It will be interesting to see the pandemic’s impact on students’ mental health and how much support they receive during this time. 


Of course not everyone will have found this,  but I myself have felt a sense of personal growth through lockdown and know of many others who feel the same. Lockdown was not an easy time for anyone, with everyone fighting their own battles and many still doing so. Moving back to London was a step I knew I had to take mentally, but it is also challenging after having been home for so long.

Strangely though, the word “pandemic” seems less threatening with the reopening of society and moving back to the city. We’ve learnt to pause and have all changed, both mentally and physically. We’ve seen the world from a different lens.  Even as someone who likes to plan meticulously, doing so now seems futile; I have personally learnt to take every day as it comes because nothing is certain anymore. 2020 has taught me that anything is possible, and you truly have to be ready for whatever is next thrown at you.

Aside from the pandemic, 2020 has been a year of tragedy, injustice and corruption. We cannot dismiss what has happened and what is still happening and it is vital for us to grow. It is strange that the pandemic has inspired us to speak out more and make our voices heard. It is interesting to see how the virus and social injustice have simultaneously helped us become more aware of deep-rooted socio political affairs that have long required redress.


I wish I had an answer. The way the government has handled the pandemic needs a whole other article. It is embarrassing that people’s lives have been disregarded. The lack of basic human concern for others the pandemic equally connotes to a virus. We could go into another lockdown and face déjà vu, but would people comply?

It is the fine line of moving forward and learning how to deal with the virus without risking any more lives. Setting boundaries is also important. We never know what others might be going through and how they might be affected by these strange and unfamiliar circumstances; be kind, be empathetic, be thoughtful.  Looking at statistics and the news is draining; the nation is growing increasingly hopeless and frustrated. What really is next? The most important thing is to stay safe and always remain cautious.



University tips for freshers

Transitioning from high school to university is a big step. Although there is the glamourous side to university it can be a nerve-wracking time with difficulties to settle.

So, you are a fresher and you are going to the university of your choice in a few weeks, but you probably have thousands of questions. Especially during the pandemic, you may be feeling more nervous for the first few weeks and perhaps the year due to the uncertainty of how it is all going to work.

You have probably started packing, joined some groups and are preparing for welcome week but are most likely feeling a whirlwind of emotions for the big change. 

Here are my top tips and best advice from my first year experience, but it is important to remember that it is so different for everyone.

Moving away from home: 

This is the first time you’ll move away from your family bracket, the comfortability and reliability of being surrounded by your family members. For some this will be a smooth transition as they are ready for the independence but for others, they may be nervous and worry that they may feel alone. The first few nights you may feel unsettled, getting used to a new home setting and familiarising yourself with a new city. Make your room your safe space and surround it with items that remind and make you feel at home. Moving away also comes with a lot of responsibility, so prepare for doing many duties you may not have done at home!

Dealing with homesickness:

You may feel homesick far into term one and even in term two which is completely fine. No one expects you to consider your university accommodation “home” straightaway. Homesickness is something I struggled with severely. I have always been a homebody and still am! During first year, I think I went home around ten time, which is excessive but it is completely understandable to miss your family… you’ve been with them for so long! However, you are probably wondering how to cope with this during the first few weeks and maybe the first couple of months. 

I always ensured that I called my family a couple of times a week and just kept messaging them with updates of what I’m up to! Top tip – parents love to hear how you are getting on. For parents it is also hard to see your child go so keeping them in the loop makes them happy and feel secure that you are safe and having a great time. 

In addition, don’t forgot to talk to your home friends and have catchups. You are all going through the same thing. Talk to your flatmates too (even if they judge, but deep down they care) because they will also feel homesick. Everyone comes from such different backgrounds so supporting each other is crucial and it can also lead to friendships forming and memories being made! Just remember that there is always someone in the same position as you.

Freshers isn’t for everyone:

Freshers is what you are most likely looking forward to. Although this year it will be different due to the pandemic, still take advantage of this time and the opportunities that come from it, even if events are on Zoom! Freshers can be extremely glamorised, where you think you will meet hundreds of new friends, but this isn’t the case everywhere. Depending on the city and the student’s union, each person will have a different freshers experience.

Some will go to an event every day, others such as in London, won’t be able to afford all of the events. It is understandable if you do not want to go out every night as it can be overwhelming. It is so important to know that everyone has different boundaries, so it is vital that you are not peer pressured to attend something you don’t want to. Take freshers and welcome week at your own pace. It is an incredible experience but also can be draining and tiring, so don’t push your limits and do what makes you happy.

Making friends:

Again, this may be something that you are feeling more nervous about due to the pandemic and restrictions. However, I can assure you that you will make friends and will be able to surround yourself with people who genuinely care about you and will become your lifelong friends. If you are in student accommodation get to know your flatmates and the people you are sharing a kitchen with. You will most likely go to a lot of fresher events with them and they will be your bubble of friends for the year to! A lot of people only stick with their flatmates but try and meet lots of people.

Additionally, find people in your accommodation that are on your course and get to know each other, walk to class together and help each other out during the year. Also remember that some people will be living at home and commuting to university. This is increased this year as well due to coronavirus and they may feel that it is harder to meet people and make friends. If you are in accommodation, invite them over, introduce to your flatmates and go to events and parties together. Remember the people you meet in the first week may not be the people you end up living with the next year.

Forming friendships takes time and ensure you surround yourself with people you are comfortable with. When making friends it is so important to be yourself, remember that not everyone will be your kind of person and like you but be assured that you will meet incredible people who will help to make your first year even better.

Time management:

So, you still have a degree to do. University can be challenging because the way you study and manage your time is all decided by you. At high school you are spoon-fed with reminders and teachers tend to reach out to you if you are struggling. At university it is all in your hands. Time management is key. Attend all lectures and tutorials even if they are online. Ensure you know all important dates for deadlines and exams in your calendar.

Do your readings and prep for classes as it will make life easier, you will understand what is going on and it will help you enjoy your course a lot more. Keep a schedule and plan out your week. When doing work, try and use the 25 minutes of studying and five minutes off method if you have difficulty concentrating in a new environment. Try not to burn yourself out and reach out to course friends, lecturers, personal tutors if you need any help or do not understand modules and assessments or just general theory. I used to make thousands of lists using post-it-notes and it helped me keep on top of everything! Don’t stress too much about work but don’t leave anything last minute!

Join societies and clubs:

Joining societies and clubs is one of the best things you can do! This is a way to meet new people and make separate friendship groups. I did this (at another university) and it gave me that community -like feel but was also a time where I had a break from studying. As I joined one at another university it was nice to meet people from a completely different course too! I advise joining societies that may also help with your career choice as this is a great way to network with people from other years on your course and can lead to endless opportunities. It keeps you busy, forms a routine and looks great on your CV!

Random tips:

Take an extension lead, batteries, sellotape: you will need them more than you think! 

Don’t leave things in the kitchen that you don’t want people to use! Keep it in your room.

Try and keep your kitchen tidy because you will hate cooking in it if it is gross. Don’t forget to hold flatmates accountable if they are messy! This is even more important during the pandemic.

Don’t stay up late studying, it doesn’t help, prioritise your health and don’t burn yourself out.

Have a self-care day every so often.  Watch movies with friends and wind down, you will really need it.

Keep your room tidy as it will help with your mental health.

Go on walks for study breaks and for some exercise if you aren’t sporty. You can sometime feel cramped in your room, so fresh air is essential.

Take a mini first aid kit and medicines. Even if you don’t get freshers flu just be extra careful and safe.

Try and eat healthy snacks as well as comfort foods and please don’t skip meals, especially breakfast!

Try and budget your money. It is easy to spend it all very quickly during freshers. Try and save for when you want to explore and do fun things. However, also treat yourself every now and then.

Don’t overpack, you don’t need everything! (But I do this anyway… it is very tempting!)

Make the most of first year and give it a chance:

First year goes extremely fast. You will find that you are constantly on the go, there is always something happening and something to do. It is so important to give the first few months a chance if you really are struggling. You may want to drop out but keep going because it does get better and reach out to people if you feel this way. Nevertheless, you may find another university is for you but consider everything before you make such a big decision. 

Take every opportunity you can during first year, network, go to events and make the most of every single day! Your first-year experience is meant to be exciting and you really can shape it to however you want it to be. Remember to be yourself and it is okay to feel nervous and overwhelmed. Try new things but don’t force yourself to “fit in”!

Most importantly, as one of my friends says, “go big or go home”! Be excited as it is a new chapter of your life. You only get to experience first year once so really do make the most of it, the independence and studying something you love. Most importantly stay safe!
