

Many of us will be delighted that this year is finally over. However, there are many valuable lessons that this year has taught us.

2020 has brought a series of overwhelming, uncertain and unsettling events, the after-effects of which will stay in our hearts for a long time. We have felt loss, grief, yet also aspects of joy during a year that has taught us so much, with many things to leave behind but also elements to carry forward into the new year.

Despite the hardships, it is important to relinquish our negative feelings and turn to the next chapter of our lives, taking forward vital lessons from this unpredictable year.

It is important to slow down:

If 2020 has given us anything, it is the abundance of time, the ability to slow down and finally do what we’ve always wanted to do, or not do anything at all. It is important to normalise breaks as facilitators of future productivity.

The first lockdown came as a shock to many but allowed people across the world to catch up on life, read that book they’ve always wanted, have time with family or start a new hobby. Time felt paused, as if we were trapped in March but it was time we needed, accepted and will most likely not get to experience again.

Sometimes the most productive thing we can do is rest; it is so important to take a break until you feel more like you again. Life truly is about the simple things; self-care is a priority, not a privilege.

Mental health should not be ignored:

The pandemic has undoubtedly had detrimental effects on the mental health of many and this should not be ignored. It is absurd that in 2020, mental health is taboo and often overlooked.

2020 has taught us all that mental health is so important and has enabled many people to reach out to others and be open about their feelings. With several lockdowns, uncertainty in the news and the lack of support from the government, many people are constantly suffering.

People have been affected by the pandemic in many ways. Whether that be losing a loved one, losing their job, financial concerns or feelings of loneliness and isolation. 

Let’s no longer be passive to the issues around us:

The pandemic has brought tragedy upon us however, we cannot invalidate or overlook other global issues. This is the first time I have seen so many people educating themselves, sharing posts on social media, protesting, signing petitions and wanting to make a difference. We must keep fighting, making a difference and speaking out. Change starts with us.

From saving the planet, to helping those that are less fortunate than us and speaking out on racism, we can’t just stop. Enough is enough. We are the generation to make a significant change in this world and I hope this is something we carry forward into 2021.

There have been many pivotal moments during 2020 that show that there is hope, passion and energy that we can achieve to fight injustice when we come together.

Don’t take anything for granted: 

This year has taught us that we should make time for our loved ones. Although social media has helped us through the pandemic keeping us connected, it can never replace real connection. Many of us have not been able to see loved ones this year and this has helped us to appreciate those around us and how precious they are.

Simple things like meeting up with friends or a hug have become things that we should cherish more often because we never know when or if they will be taken away from us again. We have finally learnt to appreciate the importance of human interaction and when this is over, when we finally hug those closest to us, it will be more meaningful than ever.

Patience and perseverance are key:

Quite possibly the hardest year of our lives, but we survived and made it to the end. If you didn’t achieve everything that you wanted this year, it does not mean that you are a failure. 

Many of us will be thankful the year is over and excited for the next chapter. 2020 may seem like the year of cancelled plans but is also the year where the world paused, and we finally looked around. We realised all of the broken things in the world which, as we enter 2021, we must continue to work on mending.

In particular this year, I send love to those who have lost a loved one, are alone or isolated from family and those who have tirelessly worked during this pandemic. 

Although we are bringing some of the hardships of 2020 into the new year, we must persevere as, deep down, we know we can. I hope we carry forward everything we have learnt, to keep fighting out battles. This has been a year of survival but the wisdom, heartache, and yearning for normality have nevertheless helped us develop as a global community.

In 2020 we experienced darkness and 2021 is time for love and light – the time for balance. Joy, love, peace and abundance is coming.

Thank you 2020 for allowing us to grow together in ways we couldn’t have ever imagined.



2020 is NOT cancelled

Six months into 2020 – Here’s what I think:

It is fair to say that 2020 so far has been a historical year that we most definitely won’t forget. A lot has been circulating the news and social media right from the start which has been overwhelming. From the Australian fires, WW3 threats, the loss of many iconic celebrities, the on-going pandemic, many countries silently suffering and of course the most important civil rights movement to date. However, 2020 is NOT cancelled. Every month it seems to be getting heavier and heavier but only as we are finally starting to realise our problems that have been avoided for centuries.

I feel as though most anticipated 2020 to be the best year yet. We all had so many goals and ambitions set out. The most important aspect I’ve learnt is the importance of accepting that it is okay to slow down and open my eyes to what is happening around me. We often race far ahead to reach the next step, rather than accepting what is happening right in front of you. Paying attention to what is happening in front of us right now is the most important thing.

2020 seems like an on- going nightmare, but it was about time that the world woke up and faced the truth.

The global pandemic:

An obvious one as it is still happening… but here is my reflection on it. Although it is a hard and different time, it is okay to feel like you are stuck and trapped. Nearly four months since we have been quarantining. But, I think we must remember that it is out of our control, but what is in our control, is what we decide to do with this time. It is a time to focus on bettering yourself. Do everything you wanted to but without all of the side distractions, that way you’ll come out stronger on the other side.

An awakening:

Yes, the last few weeks have been difficult for so many people because they have realised that there is so much wrong with this world. My heart still hurts as I’ve been learning so much that I was also blind to. There is so much hate and injustice in this world. We are meant to see each other as equals. Change is necessary and it is upsetting seeing names constantly becoming hashtags and seeing human life repeatedly being disregarded. We must continue to use our privilege to end this social injustice. Yes, I believe as a generation we have done something big, we have been loud and made some change but there is so much more for us to do. Continuing to educate ourselves and others is crucial. There is so much hate and suffering that the media doesn’t shed a light on. Continue reading, sharing and taking action.

Below is a link to ways you can help Yemen and the BLM movement:

Trying to be optimistic yet socially aware:

I’m not entirely sure where this quote originates from however, it has been circulating on my social media. “How exciting is it, that some of your best days haven’t even happened to you yet”. I think this is so important. Especially during this time, we must be optimistic yet realistic. We often forget that there is still so much life ahead of us, so much time for the adventures that we are missing out on now, spontaneity and so many memories that are yet to happen. These memories are waiting for you.

The ever-lasting uncertainty:

Recently I have been feeling very uncertain with everything that is happening in my life. At the beginning of 2020 I finally felt as if I was on the right path, happy with my curricular decisions and thankful for the people I was surrounded by. However, six months in this has all changed a little. Friendships are distant, I’m not entirely sure what’s happening with my future and I’ve started to slightly feel trapped again with my own thoughts. Halfway through the year it seems as if we are not anticipating the next downfall of 2020, but I think the end of May and start of June has taught us that together we can fight. We can and must do better. Although aspects of life are uncertain, we have the opportunity to rethink and re-evaluate.

Living for the small moments:

With all of the uncertainty and unanswered questions, appreciating the smaller moments has never been so much more important. I know especially right now, you want life to go back to the way it was, I know I do (well certain aspects). BUT we can’t. An opportunity has been handed to us where we can build a new “normal”. A “normal” where we are no longer fighting injustice, instead there is unity. As we acknowledge our mistakes, we should move forward, together, to do better and make a substantial difference. Life may seem like it has paused, but it hasn’t. Instead we should be paying more attention to it, even if it is very different to our ideal storyline we have planned.

We may not understand our current obstacles right now, but eventually you will and it will all make sense. We have to keep going. Everything is coming together exactly as it should.
